Use Your Fall Leaves To Help Build Healthy Soil
We have two big, old oak trees in our yard and every fall, up until a few years ago, we would spend our October and early November weekends raking and bagging and raking and bagging until our hands blistered. Then, we would drag all those bags, bursting with leaves, to the curb to be hauled away. Every now and then, I noticed that someone would pull over, load our bags of leaves into their car and drive off. Why in the world would they want our leaves? I wondered. I soon found out.
For gardeners, or anyone with a lawn, really, fallen leaves are nutrient-rich, soil-building treasure—and they’re free! According to Mark Keaton, staff chair for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, fallen leaves contain 50 to 80 percent of the nutrients trees extract from the soil during a growing season. They’re a particularly good source of nitrogen, offering anywhere from 1 to about 2 ½ percent nitrogen as they decompose.
What in the heck does that mean? Okay, figure that if a tree’s leaves offered 2 percent nitrogen it would take 100 pounds of dried leaves per 1,000 square feet to provide 2 pounds of nitrogen.That’s all the nitrogen 1,000 square feet of turf grass should need for a year, and it’s also about the right amount for a garden bed of that size, too.
But that’s not all. Research conducted by Alexander Kowalewski at Michigan State University has shown that using maple and oak leaves as mulch can help control dandelions in Kentucky bluegrass. Seriously! Go here to read that study. Unlike past studies in which leaves may have contained some pesticide residues, researchers at Michigan State used only pesticide-free leaves in their tests. And that reminds me to point out that it’s a good idea to avoid using anything but pesticide-free leaf mulch on gardens where edibles are grown.
The only hitch in this free fertilizer, and possibly weed killer, bonanza is that you need to mulch (which pretty much means shred) the leaves before you spread them on your lawn or garden. Whole leaves tend to mat down and hold moisture, causing mold and rot issues. Maple leaves are among the worst offenders because they’re so flat. Oak leaves are wavier, so they don’t mat down as thickly, which is good. But it’s still better to mulch all of the leaves you want to spread on your lawn or garden. Leaves break down faster when they’re mulched into small pieces, and they need to break down in order to make the nitrogen they offer available in the soil.
You don’t need any sort of fancy machine to mulch leaves. A regular old, cheap lawnmower will do just fine. You can watch this video we made at our house to demonstrate how to mulch leaves with a mower. Or you can just read the instructions I’ve written in the post below.
To mulch your leaves, rake a big bunch of them into a pile of manageable size. Width isn’t a problem, but the pile shouldn’t be too tall since you have to drive the mower over it. PUT ON YOUR SAFETY GLASSES, OR SUNGLASSES OR SOMETHING because sticks and little rocks and stuff can fly all over the place. Start your mower and drive over the pile slowly so you don’t clog the mower and bind the blade, causing it to shut off. (This is far more likely to happen if the leaves are wet or slightly greenish.) I tip the handle of the mower to raise the front up a bit as I go over the pile, kind of like the mower is chomping down on the leaves.
Once you go over the pile, shut off the mower and rake all those mulched bits back into a pile and mow over them again. I usually need to mulch a leaf pile three times to get pieces down to a good size, which is about the size of a $1 coin or smaller. You’ll notice that the leaves blow all over the place as you mulch with the mower. Some will land in great spots and you can consider those happy accidents. The rest will have to be spread. Rake mulched leaves into place around your plants to a depth of 3 – 4 inches, half that for the lawn. Or, if you need to move the leaves to different spots, use a snow shovel to scoop them up and dump them into a wheelbarrow that you can push around and from as needed.
Yes, you’re right, many of those leaves are going to blow away. To keep that from happening, I sometimes mix shredded leaves with a little bit of compost, or toss a little compost on top of the leaves as I go. You could also just spread the leaves on a little thicker, figuring some are bound to stick around. If this lengthy explanation has left you thinking you’d best just continue bagging your leaves so you can have some time left to live your life, I hear you.
But, chin up. The good news is, you don’t need to mulch every fallen leaf to make a difference in your gardens over time. Just do a small patch this year. Next year, do another small patch. You’ll be amazed how quickly your grayish, hard-as-cement soil will come around and become rich, dark and crumbly. Why leave all that soil-building treasure at the curb?
Ruth Bernstein
I live in a detatched townhouse and have all of the area planted with Iris, Daylillies, Hosta, Peonys, Giant Seedum, and a few Evergreens, Lillies, Chives, Raspberries, and many more that don’t have names (that I remember). In the fall I spend many, many hours cutting these plants down. Is there anything I can do with the leaves (many still green)? The association takes care of the grass and trees/leaves. And, I don’t have a lawn mower.
In fact, I have been trying to give away a lot of plants. Are you interested?
Hi Ruth,
I know how hard it is to put all of those cuttings in bags at the curb when you know they could be put to better use. I actually bought a shredder this year, so I’m putting all of my plant cuttings, including all of the stuff that’s still green, through that. I was shocked to see that an entire bag of green stems and leaves could be reduced to dust, which I’m mixing in with my compost and mulched leaves to spread over the gardens before the ground freezes. Without a shredder or compost pile, which I imagine you don’t have there, I guess bagging them up will have to do. The good thing is they will likely be composted at a local facility rather than winding up in a landfill. Thanks very much for the offer of plants. I’m too lazy to plant anything more this fall, but if you’re giving away plants next season, please let me know. m
Brian Jon Foster
Thanks for tip mowing tip, I have no lawn to mow. I just bag the leafs in Black plastic bags use that as a down comforter. Takes a lot longer to break down. I pile them next to the garage, let gravity work with me. I add Pete moss. Is there anything else I could add?
Hi Brian,
Thanks very much for your note. When you say you add peat moss, what are you adding it too? It sounds like you’re using the bags to protect plants in your garden, but I can’t tell for sure if that’s the case or if you’re just leaving them in the bags to break down so you can use the decomposed leaves as mulch. Is that the case? And, if so, are you adding peat moss to the decayed leaves and then using them in the garden? If that is what you’re doing, you don’t even need the peat. Leaf mulch is great for helping build soil nutrients and improve soil quality in general. Instead of peat, if you do want to add something, I would add some compost. If I’ve totally botched the answer to your question, let me know and I’ll try again. 🙂
Maria Herrera
Thanks so much for that infomation you give, I don’t know much about gardening, but my husband need to eat only organic food and is very expensive daes wy trait to make my own garden in my garage , if you have some advice I will appreciate so much again thank you so much
Carol Beste
Have you used a shredder to shred your oak leaves? or have you discovered that a lawn mower works better for that job. We have used cedar chips as mulch in our gardens; will shredded oak and elm leaves be able to improve our soil if we layer them atop the mulch?
Thank you.
Hi Carol,
I just drive over the leaves with our lawn mover. It’s a push mower so I have to go back and forth several times, but it works really well.