• Annie

    … such a lovely article, Meleah!

    September 10, 2015
  • Margie

    Wonderful place and lovely lady. Meleah, I enjoyed your description of Betty’s laugh! Hope to get there one day.

    April 01, 2016
  • Dan and Brandy Gergen

    When we bought our house in Fridley back in 1991, we “discovered” Rice Creek Gardens in Blaine and spent many a Saturday picking up so many plants for two woodland gardens we planted. So many things to plant that have been spectacular, thanks to my creative wife, but grateful mostly for the advice and guidance we received from them. We were devastated to find they were no longer there when we went back in 2008. So the other day, we were at Savory Gardens in Edina to replace some hostas, talking to Arlene Savory. She mentioned Rice Creek was mentioned in a Horticultural Society article recently. So I googled and discovered Betty Ann relocated about 10 minutes from us! —all these years and not knowing we were so close. We are planning to drop by today. Meleah, thank you for this story.

    July 02, 2016

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