• This is fascinating. I am really intrigued by the concept, and I am anxious to try. Spring should be the perfect time for my veggies.

    March 31, 2013
    • Meleah

      Hi Charlie,
      If you think of it, let me know how your straw bale experiment goes. I’m excited to try it too.

      April 05, 2013
  • Debbie

    I would like to know what you do with the straw bale at the end of the season.

    1. Do you spread the straw bale all over the garden!

    2. Once you have all the straw bale laid down do you turn it over in the spring.

    3. Do you plant all your vegetables in the straw bale!


    May 24, 2013
    • Meleah

      Hi Debbie,
      You could definitely spread your straw bale around and use it as mulch at the end of the season. In his book on straw bale gardening, Joel Karsten recommends tossing the bale in a corner of the yard and breaking it apart a bit so it can decompose over the winter. By spring you should have a great pile of compost to use on your garden beds. Bales can be used over and over until they come apart, but you only get the heat they generate during decomposition the first year. After that, they are a great medium for growing things but they don’t give you the same jump on spring. You don’t need to turn them once you have them in place. As for planting, straw bales only offer so much growing space so what you can plant depends on the number of bales you use. You’ll find a lot of helpful information at Joel’s website: http://strawbalegardens.com.

      May 27, 2013

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